M5UnitUnified 0.0.6 git rev:1fdab41
This is the complete list of members for m5::unit::Component, including all inherited members.
adapter() const | m5::unit::Component | inline |
add(Component &c, const int16_t channel) | m5::unit::Component | |
add_child(Component *c) (defined in m5::unit::Component) | m5::unit::Component | protected |
address() const | m5::unit::Component | inline |
assign(m5::hal::bus::Bus *bus) | m5::unit::Component | virtual |
assign(TwoWire &wire) | m5::unit::Component | virtual |
attr | m5::unit::Component | static |
attribute() const | m5::unit::Component | inline |
begin() | m5::unit::Component | inlinevirtual |
changeAddress(const uint8_t addr) (defined in m5::unit::Component) | m5::unit::Component | protected |
channel() const | m5::unit::Component | inline |
child(const uint8_t chhanle) const | m5::unit::Component | |
childrenSize() const | m5::unit::Component | |
Component(const uint8_t addr=0x00) (defined in m5::unit::Component) | m5::unit::Component | explicit |
Component(const Component &)=delete (defined in m5::unit::Component) | m5::unit::Component | |
Component(Component &&) noexcept=default (defined in m5::unit::Component) | m5::unit::Component | |
component_config() | m5::unit::Component | inline |
component_config(const component_config_t &cfg) | m5::unit::Component | inline |
debugInfo() const | m5::unit::Component | virtual |
deviceName() const | m5::unit::Component | inline |
duplicate_adapter(const uint8_t) (defined in m5::unit::Component) | m5::unit::Component | inlineprotectedvirtual |
existsChild(const uint8_t ch) const | m5::unit::Component | |
generalCall(const uint8_t *data, const size_t len) | m5::unit::Component | |
hasChildren() const | m5::unit::Component | inline |
hasParent() const | m5::unit::Component | inline |
hasSiblings() const | m5::unit::Component | inline |
identifier() const | m5::unit::Component | inline |
in_periodic() const (defined in m5::unit::Component) | m5::unit::Component | inlineprotectedvirtual |
inPeriodic() const | m5::unit::Component | inline |
interval() const | m5::unit::Component | inline |
isRegistered() const | m5::unit::Component | inline |
name | m5::unit::Component | static |
operator=(const Component &)=delete (defined in m5::unit::Component) | m5::unit::Component | |
operator=(Component &&) noexcept=default (defined in m5::unit::Component) | m5::unit::Component | |
order() const | m5::unit::Component | inline |
readRegister(const Reg reg, uint8_t *rbuf, const size_t len, const uint32_t delayMillis, const bool stop=true) | m5::unit::Component | |
readRegister16BE(const Reg reg, uint16_t &result, const uint32_t delayMillis, const bool stop=true) | m5::unit::Component | |
readRegister16LE(const Reg reg, uint16_t &result, const uint32_t delayMillis, const bool stop=true) | m5::unit::Component | |
readRegister32BE(const Reg reg, uint32_t &result, const uint32_t delayMillis, const bool stop=true) | m5::unit::Component | |
readRegister32LE(const Reg reg, uint32_t &result, const uint32_t delayMillis, const bool stop=true) | m5::unit::Component | |
readRegister8(const Reg reg, uint8_t &result, const uint32_t delayMillis, const bool stop=true) | m5::unit::Component | |
readWithTransaction(uint8_t *data, const size_t len) | m5::unit::Component | |
select_channel(const uint8_t) (defined in m5::unit::Component) | m5::unit::Component | inlineprotectedvirtual |
selectChannel(const uint8_t ch=8) | m5::unit::Component | |
stored_size() const (defined in m5::unit::Component) | m5::unit::Component | inlineprotected |
uid | m5::unit::Component | static |
unit_attribute() const =0 (defined in m5::unit::Component) | m5::unit::Component | protectedpure virtual |
unit_device_name() const =0 (defined in m5::unit::Component) | m5::unit::Component | protectedpure virtual |
unit_identifier() const =0 (defined in m5::unit::Component) | m5::unit::Component | protectedpure virtual |
update(const bool force=false) | m5::unit::Component | inlinevirtual |
updated() const | m5::unit::Component | inline |
updatedMillis() const | m5::unit::Component | inline |
writeRegister(const Reg reg, const uint8_t *buf=nullptr, const size_t len=0U, const bool stop=true) | m5::unit::Component | |
writeRegister16BE(const Reg reg, const uint16_t value, const bool stop=true) | m5::unit::Component | |
writeRegister16LE(const Reg reg, const uint16_t value, const bool stop=true) | m5::unit::Component | |
writeRegister32BE(const Reg reg, const uint32_t value, const bool stop=true) | m5::unit::Component | |
writeRegister32LE(const Reg reg, const uint32_t value, const bool stop=true) | m5::unit::Component | |
writeRegister8(const Reg reg, const uint8_t value, const bool stop=true) | m5::unit::Component | |
writeWithTransaction(const uint8_t *data, const size_t len, const bool stop=true) | m5::unit::Component | |
writeWithTransaction(const Reg reg, const uint8_t *data, const size_t len, const bool stop=true) | m5::unit::Component | |
~Component()=default (defined in m5::unit::Component) | m5::unit::Component | virtual |