| UnitMCP4725 (const uint8_t addr=DEFAULT_ADDRESS) |
virtual bool | begin () override |
bool | generalReset () |
| General reset.
bool | readDACRegister (mcp4725::PowerDown &pd, uint16_t &raw) |
| Read the DAC register.
bool | readEEPROM (mcp4725::PowerDown &pd, uint16_t &raw) |
| Read the EEPROM settings.
config_t | config () |
| Gets the configration.
void | config (const config_t &cfg) |
| Set the configration.
mcp4725::PowerDown | powerDown () const |
| Gets the iner power down mode.
uint16_t | lastValue () const |
| Gets the last output raw value.
bool | writePowerDown (const mcp4725::PowerDown pd) |
| Write the power down mode.
- Note
- FastMode is used, so EEPROM is not affected
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value, std::nullptr_t >::type = nullptr> |
bool | writeVoltage (const T mv) |
| Output the voltage.
bool | writeVoltage (const uint16_t raw) |
| Output the voltage.
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< uint16_t, T >::value &&std::is_unsigned< T >::value, std::nullptr_t >::type = nullptr> |
bool | writeVoltage (const T raw) |
| Output the voltage.
- Note
- After a reset, the device uploads the contents of the EEPROM to the DAC register
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value, std::nullptr_t >::type = nullptr> |
bool | writeVoltageAndEEPROM (const T mv, const bool blocking=true) |
| Write to DAC register and EEPROM.
bool | writeVoltageAndEEPROM (const uint16_t raw, const bool blocking=true) |
| Write to DAC register and EEPROM.
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< uint16_t, T >::value &&std::is_unsigned< T >::value, std::nullptr_t >::type = nullptr> |
bool | writeVoltageAndEEPROM (const T raw, const bool blocking=true) |
| Write to DAC register and EEPROM.
Digital-to-analog signal conversion unit.