M5Unit-HEART 0.1.0 git rev:05c3b01
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m5::unit::UnitMAX30102::config_t Struct Reference

Settings for begin. More...

#include <unit_MAX30102.hpp>

Public Attributes

max30102::Mode mode {max30102::Mode::SpO2}
 Operating mode if start on begin.
bool start_periodic {true}
 Start periodic measurement on begin?
max30102::ADC adc_range {max30102::ADC::Range4096nA}
 ADC range if start on begin.
max30102::Sampling sampling_rate {max30102::Sampling::Rate400}
 Sampling rate if start on begin.
max30102::LEDPulse pulse_width {max30102::LEDPulse::Width411}
 LED pulse width if start on begin.
uint8_t ir_current {0x1F}
 LED current for IR if start on begin.
uint8_t red_current {0x1F}
 LED current for Red if start on begin (only SpO2 MODE)
max30102::FIFOSampling fifo_sampling_average {max30102::FIFOSampling::Average4}
 FIFO sampling average if start on begin.

Detailed Description

Settings for begin.

Note that some combinations of sampling_rate and pulse_width are invalid. See alse SpO2 configuration

Member Data Documentation

◆ mode

max30102::Mode m5::unit::UnitMAX30102::config_t::mode {max30102::Mode::SpO2}

Operating mode if start on begin.

In MultiLED mode, only the mode setting is performed
The other settings are ignored, so you need to set and start them yourself