M5UnitUnified 0.0.5 git rev:3b942a7
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 test_helper.hppHelper for testing UnitComponent
 test_template.hppHelper for testing UnitComponent
 adapter.cppAdapters to treat M5HAL and TwoWire in the same way
 adapter.hppAdapters to treat M5HAL and TwoWire in the same way
 pin.hppPIN settings save/restore
 types.hppType and enumerator definitions
 M5UnitComponent.cppBase class for Unit Component
 M5UnitComponent.hppMain header of M5UnitComponent
 M5UnitUnified.cppClass UnitUnified
 M5UnitUnified.hppMain header of M5UnitUnified