M5UnitUnified 0.0.6 git rev:1fdab41
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m5::unit::googletest::ComponentTestBase< U, TP > Class Template Referenceabstract

UnitComponent Derived class for testing. More...

#include <test_template.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for m5::unit::googletest::ComponentTestBase< U, TP >:

Protected Member Functions

virtual void SetUp () override
virtual void TearDown () override
virtual bool begin ()
virtual bool is_using_hal () const =0
 Function returning true if M5HAL is used (decision based on TP)
virtual U * get_instance ()=0
 return m5::unit::Component-derived class instance (decision based on TP)

Protected Attributes

std::string ustr {}
std::unique_ptr< U > unit {}
m5::unit::UnitUnified Units

Detailed Description

template<typename U, typename TP>
class m5::unit::googletest::ComponentTestBase< U, TP >

UnitComponent Derived class for testing.

Template Parameters
Um5::unit::Component-derived classes to be tested
TPparameter type for testing. see also INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P